Always Celebrate the Child in You

HK Basics

Happy Children’s day to every kid that lives within each one of you and of course to all the munchkins out there. This is your day! Many people absolutely cherish their childhood, they are lucky because not everyone gets to say that but no matter what your childhood, the experiences that made you, the inquisitive nature that solved so many problems deserve to be celebrated.

As adults, we forget to take it easy sometimes because of the overwhelming responsibilities and the pressure of growing up but the truth is we all deserve a break and to take the day off sometimes to just watch cartoons, eat chocolates and learn how to be happy! If you think about it, a child’s only and biggest wish is to be around people and do things that make them happy. To be carefree, fearless with no judgement is the true essence of being a child and somewhere deep down these characteristics still exist in us and it is our responsibility to never give up on running after joy, just plain simple joy.

The curiosity of young minds, asking questions about everything is a result of wanting to understand the world that seems so exciting to them. Everything is new and fresh! And as the learning process continues, a lot of unlearning happens too ultimately turning us into adults who have discerning abilities, to be able to see right from wrong, black from white. And while everything starts becoming too grey, it is important to enliven the child within you for the colours, A splash of it even to remind you, the world is beautiful as much as it is ugly and no matter what, how the child version of you figured out his or her way, the adult you will too.

Today, take a moment to celebrate the vivid imaginations that kept you busy as a child and helped you learn how to dream! Because only when you can appreciate that, you can one day inspire the child present next to you right now, be it your kid, student or some kid you meet briefly.

Most importantly, this Children’s day, promise yourself to stay curious, imaginative and happy! Because more than you, the child within you deserves it!

With so much love and care,

Team HK Basics